romantic dreamy wedding niagara cave spring vineyard afterglow images

S + Z | Summer Wedding at Cave Spring & Inn on the Twenty

An epic Summer wedding at Cave Spring Vineyard and Inn on the Twenty. The wedding day that had it all: beautiful light, bright smiles, apple orchard, vineyard, and happy vibes all day long. The wedding ceremony took place at the Escarpment site at Cave Spring. The reception was held in the Windows Room of the Inn on the Twenty.
big barn cave spring winery vineyard wedding winter outdoor

E + M | Winter Wedding at Inn on the Twenty

Winter New Year's Even wedding at Inn on the Twenty and Cave Spring Winery in Vineland, Ontario.

K + A | Cave Spring Vineyard Wedding

Very few would argue that early spring is the best time to visit a winery. But at Inn on the Twenty, it doesn't matter which season you're getting married; there's always something beautiful.